Customer Satisfaction Survey on Campus Catering Services
We would like to know... What your experience was like on your visits to the campus eateries? Are you happy with the food and services? In what areas would you expect the eateries to improve? From time to time, the University collects comments and suggestions from the University community on the various catering operations on campus to examine and identify areas for improvement. We would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to complete this questionnaire. Your valuable input and support for the betterment of catering services at HKU is much appreciated! If you have any enquiries or encountered any technical problem when filling out the questionnaire, please contact CEDARS-Campus Life at Website:
我們希望知道… 您過往於校內食肆之用餐體驗如何? 您是否對食物及服務整體上滿意? 您認為校內食肆有哪些方面需要改善? 為持續改善校園膳食服務,校方會不時收集各持份者對校內膳食服務的意見及想法,以審視現時之服務水平及探討改善方向。我們期望各同學及同事們可以抽出數分鐘填寫以下問卷。我們衷心感謝您的支持以及對校園膳食服務所提出的寶貴意見。 如閣下對是次意見調查有任何疑問或於填寫問卷時遇上技術問題,請透過電郵 與學生發展及資源中心-校園生活聯絡。 網址: