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Essential Information for Open Space/ Publicity Space Reservation
Name of Student Society
Name of Applicant
Position in the Student Society
Mobile Number
Email Address
Location of Open Space
Venues managed by Estates Office
Start Date of the Booking
End Date of the Booking
Name of the Event
Nature of the Event (e.g. exhibition, talk, forum, booths, etc.)
For Sun Yat Sen Place Only
Only the highlighted area (inside the darker grey brick) can be used for events including the stage, backdrop and other furniture. The area is about 14m x 14m. A floor plan with the position of the stage, backdrop, boards and furniture should be provided. Nearby landmarks (e.g. Main Library and Knowles Building, Sun Yat Sen Step) should be included in the floor plan.
Image of banner/backdrop
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Use of backdrop/large banner frame
- Select -
The society will begin the set up time by fencing off the working area(s) with stanchions during the installment of backdrop/banner frme to avoid inconvenience or potential danger to any passers-by.
The society will begin the set up time by fencing off the working area(s) with stanchions during the installment of backdrop/banner frme to avoid inconvenience or potential danger to any passers-by.
Regarding the backdrop, kindly observe the HKU's Disposable Plastic Free Campus Policy. Plastic Event Banners will not be allowed including plastic banners of any form used for event promotion, or banners used during a single one-off event. It is advised to make a reusable banner for multiple events.
Disposable Plastic Free Campus Policy
Number of sandbags to be stabilized the backdrop
Sound System
Use of sound system from 12:45-2:00 p.m.
- Select -
Electricity Setup Plan
Use of electricity
- Select -
Ensure electric cable will not induce any tripping hazards;
[Note: Organizer may consider using suitable gaffer tape to adequately paste electrical wire(s) on floor or proper cable cover(s) (available from CCSO) to assemble the wire(s)]
Number of Notice Boards & Sandbags
Please include the number of sandbags and noticeboards borrowed from CCSO/Amenities Centres for the event.
Furniture reserved from
Furniture reserved from
- Select -
Amenities Centre
Enter other…
Work Above Ground
- Select -
Please confirm if there is any work-above-ground. If there will be work-above-ground, by checking the above box you agree that a suitable step platform will be used. Stepping on desk, chair and A-ladder are prohibited.
You should include details of the event including but not limited to the following items:
Objective of the Event
Tentative Rundown
Setup Plan with dimension (e.g. tables, chairs, noticeboards)
Queuing Plan (i.e. plan on crowd control)
Use of backdrop (if Yes) and the dimensions and setup plan
Use of sound system (if Yes) and the period must be during 12:45-14:00
Use of electricity (e.g. which power socket will be used)
PIC contact (name, position, telephone)
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Contingency Plan
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above/ Black Rainstorm Warning that leads to school suspension
The event will be cancelled/postponed.
Amber/ Red Rainstorm Warning/ Other Bad Weather Conditions
The event will be cancelled/postponed.
Enter other…
Location of backup venue
The society will begin the set up time by fencing off the working area(s) with stanchions during the installment of backdrop/banner frame/marquee/stage blocks/large-scale set up to avoid inconvenience or potential danger to any passers-by.
By submitting this form, you have read and understood the “Regulations on Posting of Publicity Materials on Campus” and “Conditions on Using Open Space”, “Privacy Policy Statements” and “Personal Information Collection Statements”.
1) Conditions on Using Open Space
2) Conditions on Using Publicity Space
3) Regulations on Posting of Publicity Materials on Campus
4) Disposable Plastic Free Campus Policy
5) Privacy Policy Statements
6) Personal Information Collection Statements