Local Language Internship Programme for Non-Cantonese Speaking Students 非華語學生本地實習計劃 2024

Application Form
(Application Deadline: 23:59, 19 April 2024)

Eligibility: Non-Cantonese Speaking Full-time HKU undergraduates with adequate Chinese proficiency for communication (written and spoken Cantonese)
Programme Details: CLICK HERE
Application Deadline: 19 April 2024 (23:59)
Enquiry: 3917-8091 / cedars-programmes@hku.hk

Please pay attention to the following remarks before filling in this form. 填寫表格前請先細閱︰

1) This internship programme is targeted on full-time non-Cantonese speaking undergraduates with adequate Cantonese proficiency for communication (written Chinese and spoken Cantonese). Please make sure that you are eligible to join the programme before submitting your application. 是次實習計劃為具一定中文(粵語)溝通能力之全日制非粵語學生提供,提交報名前請先確保合乎參加資格。

2) The Organiser reserves the right to void any applications with invalid information and/or submitted via improper procedures. 若參加者提供的資料有任何錯誤或不依照正確程序報名,主辦單位保留拒絕接受其參加權。

3) Participants shall check the email inbox regularly, in order to receive the most updated event information. 參加者有義務定期檢查電郵郵箱,以獲得最新活動資訊,否則參加者須自行承擔其造成的所有損失。

4) Please reserve sufficient time for filling in this form. 請預留足夠時間填寫此表格。

5) Please have your resume ready before you submit this application, and name it in the format of "Full Name_Nickname" (e.g., Adam Black_Adam). 請準備好履歷表,並以「全名_暱稱 」(e.g., Adam Black_Adam) 命名檔案,以便填寫此報名表。

Personal Particulars 個人資料
This internship programme is targeted on full-time non-Chinese undergraduates with adequate Chinese proficiency for communication (written and spoken Chinese). Please make sure that you are eligible to join the programme before submitting your application. 是次實習計劃為具中文溝通能力之全日制非華語學生提供,提交報名前請先確保合乎參加資格。
Are you a Hong Kong permanent resident? If no, please state your nationality, proof of identity and your identity in Hong Kong in the format below. 是否為香港特別行政區永久性居民? 如否,請填選「其他」並按下列格式列明國籍、所持的身份證明文件及於香港期間的身份。
How do you first know this Programme? 你從以下哪些宣傳渠道得知是次活動資訊?
Internship Agencies Preferences 實習單位志願

Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong:

  • Neighbourhood Elderly Centres (Po Shek Wu Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 寶石湖長者鄰舍中心 / Chai Wan Neighbourhood Elderly Centre 柴灣長者鄰舍中心)

  • Youth Leadership, International & Mainland Affairs Service 青年領袖、國際及內地事工服務

  • ​​​​​​​Social Enterprises (YM Fleur 花落.誰家 / YM Balloon)

Questions Neighbourhood Elderly Centres Youth Leadership, International & Mainland Affairs Service Social Enterprises 不欲選擇 Prefer not to choose
Your second and third choice should not be the same as your previous choices. 第二及第三志願不應與其他志願重複。
Relevant Experiences 相關經驗
Period_Job Title_Organsation

7-9/2021_Camp Instructor_Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village
Period_Name of Project_Post_Organisation

1/4/2021_Zoom fun with kids_volunteer_University & College YMCAs
Professional Qualifications_Organisation_Issue Date / Skills_Description

​​​​​​​Example 1: Kayak Proficiency Certificate_HONG KONG CANOE UNION_1/1/2021
​​​​​​​Example 2: Photoshop_Advanced
Example 3: Windsurfing_Beginner
  • Recent photo of yours should be included in the resume
  • Please name the file name in the format of "Institution_Full Chinese/English name" (HKU_Chan Tai Man Peter)

One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
Example: GCE A-Level - Chinese - A*
例︰香港中學文憑考試 - 中國語文 - Level 4
Know More About You 了解更多
Please answer this part in Chinese.
Interview Arrangement 面試安排

Date 日期︰
23 April 2024 (Tue) 2024年4月23日(星期二)
Format 形式︰Face-to-face interview (Venue: HKU) 實體面試(地點︰港大)

Only suitable candidates will receive email notification about the interview arrangement on or before 22 April 2024 (Mon). 入選參與面試之申請者將於4月22日(星期一)或之前獲電郵通知面試日期、時間及詳情,落選之申請者將不獲另行通知。

Please at least choose 2 timeslots, and choose as many timeslots as possible. 請選填至少2個時段,及盡量填寫所有可面試時段以便安排。

23 April 2024 (Tue)
Terms and Conditions 條款及細則

I (the above information provider and the undersigned) declare that the above information is true and correct. To the best of my knowledge and belief, there is no health problem or other reasons that I am not suitable for this activity.  I am in good health condition and do not conceal any existing health problems and allergies. I agree to participate in this activity and comply with disciplinary requirements. If I violate the rules and regulations, the organiser reserves the right to disqualify my participation. 

本人 (上述個人資料) 聲明以上填報資料均真確無訛,據本人所知所信,並無任何健康或其他理由導致本人不宜參加本活動。本人健康狀況良好,並無隱瞞任何既有之健康問題或過敏症。本人同意參加是次活動,亦明白活動具有一定之紀律要求,倘若學員違反紀律、規則,貴會將保留終止本人繼續參加活動的權利。