Bulk Email Service for Student Societies intro introduction This online form is for student societies which have registered with the University to submit bulk email requests. Please study the Guidelines before submitting your requests. For enquiries, please contact CEDARS at 3917 2305 or socbulkmail@hku.hk. Name of student society Name of contact person Contact number of the contact person HKU Email address of the society (e.g. asoc@hku.hk) Subject of the email in English Subject of the email in Chinese Poster/banner image (200kb or below) One file only.1 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, jpeg. Email content (in English) – in case the main content of your email is in Chinese, please at least add a short description of your event/email in English to facilitate readers who do not understand Chinese. The character limit for the email content is 5,000 characters including space and the version in Chinese. Email content (in Chinese) The daily cut-off time for submitting bulk email requests is 4:30 p.m. on working days. Any submission after the daily cut-off time will be processed on the next working day.